Friday, June 19, 2009

What the Hell am I thinking?

So I actually already have a blog, which is dedicated to information of a sensual nature, meant to be educational and thought-provoking. Problem is, sometimes I just want to talk about something I read, or something that's interesting, or some wierd thing that happened to me that day and as I'm trying to keep that site on track, I can't post it there.

So of course, I started a new blog dedicated to the crazy stuff that goes through my head. Because, you know, we don't have enough of those in the blog-o-sphere. (I kind of hate myself for using that word, but oh well.)

I also like to link to various blogs I read. Because there's some really interesting, smart, funny women out there with stuff to say. It helps me balance out the semi-cynical side of myself that sees us going the way of Idiocracy. (It's a movie. And our probable future. See it.) I wish some of these gals lived in my neck o the woods, because we'd have a grand old time.

So that's what the dealio is.